We request your participation in the CAMFT state and federal political action committees (PACs). The goal of the CAMFT PACs is to assist in electing and re-electing candidates and incumbents from both political parties to the California legislature and U.S. Congress who demonstrate an understanding and willingness to be supportive on the issues most important to marriage and family therapists.

It is critical to ensure that legislators who understand the issues related to marriage and family therapists are elected and re-elected.

CAMFT has an aggressive legislative advocacy effort in Sacramento and in Washington, D.C., but no amount of advocacy or lobbying by CAMFT can be effective without legislators who understand our issues.

In order for us to protect, enhance, and move our profession forward, we need your help! By combining your contribution with thousands of other members, CAMFT’s state and federal PACs can actively support candidates who make our issues a priority. Please donate today!

Thank you for your participation!

Donate to CAMFT PAC



We greatly appreciate your contribution in any amount and would like to highlight your generous support with the membership through the following levels:




GOLD $100-$199


SILVER $50-$99

BRONZE $10-$49

CAMFT Member PAC Contribution


Non-Member PAC Contribution


Information On PAC Opt-Out


Contributions to the CAMFT PAC are used for political purposes.

Contributions to the CAMFT PAC or CAMFT Federal PAC are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. Contributions to CAMFT Federal PAC are voluntary and you have the right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal.

Contributions to the CAMFT PAC will only be used in connection with state elections and contributions to the CAMFT Federal PAC will only be used in connection with Federal elections. Contributions from corporations may not be accepted by the CAMFT Federal PAC, but may be accepted by the CAMFT PAC.

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. State law requires that we collect and report this information for individuals who contribute $100 or more in a calendar year. State law also requires us to collect and report the business name and address for contributions drawn on business accounts.

The recommended CAMFT PACs contributions listed above is merely a suggestion. Members are free to contribute more or less and CAMFT will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of their contribution or their decision not to contribute.