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Due to mounting concerns regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus, CAMFT has made the decision to cancel our Annual Conference previously scheduled for April 30 – May 2, 2020. News from the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention points to continued spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus throughout the country and the state of California.
The decision to cancel the conference was not made lightly. CAMFT deliberated over many days and consulted with other professional organizations that are also making difficult choices for the well-being of their memberships. In making this decision, CAMFT has resolved to be abundantly cautious and prioritize the health and safety of its members, speakers, vendors, and staff.
CAMFT remains committed to providing quality education for our members, and we are exploring alternative options at this time. We promise to keep you informed as we delve into possible online and distance platforms to offer additional continuing education opportunities.
We understand that many CAMFT members have already registered for the Annual Conference and made travel arrangements. We regret any inconvenience this cancellation has caused. Please read the below Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for information regarding refunds, CE resources, and logistics for our Annual Membership Meeting.
Wishing everyone health and wellness.
Nabil El-Ghoroury, PhD, CAE CAMFT Executive Director
Q: How do I receive a refund for my Annual Conference registration? A: Beginning Tuesday March 10, CAMFT will be issuing refunds to all members who have registered for the Annual Conference. If you paid by credit card, your credit card account will be reimbursed directly. If you paid by check, you will receive a reimbursement check in the mail.
Q: How soon will I receive my Annual Conference registration refund? A: If you paid by credit card, you will receive a refund within 3 to 4 days. If you paid by check, it may take up to 2 weeks to receive your refund in the mail. If you do not see your reimbursement on your credit card statement within the week, or you do not receive a reimbursement check within two weeks, you can call the CAMFT Info Center at (858) 292-2638 or email us at infocenter@camft.org.
Q: How do I cancel a hotel reservation at the Hyatt Regency Orange County? A: You can cancel your Hyatt Regency Orange County reservation online using your first name, last name, and reservation confirmation number or credit card number. Some reservations may not be retrievable online. If you have problems retrieving your reservation, please contact the Hyatt Regency Orange County at (800) 233-1234.
Q: How do I receive a refund for any travel arrangements or flights that I’ve purchased? A: If you have already purchased flights or other travel arrangements to attend the Annual Conference, please contact the airline or travel vendor as soon as possible. Many airlines and travel vendors have been understanding of cancellations due to the COVID-19 coronavirus.
Q: Is the Annual Conference cancelled for good, or simply postponed? A: CAMFT’s Annual Conference has been cancelled for 2020. We will not be offering an annual conference this year.
Q: How can I receive the CEs I need this year if I can’t earn them at the conference? A: You can earn CE’s anytime by visiting CAMFT’s On-Demand Learning Library. Click here to view a wide variety of CE workshops that you can complete at your convenience in the comfort of your home.
Q: Does the cancellation of the Annual Conference mean that other CAMFT events or CAMFT Chapter events are cancelled? A: The cancellation of the Annual Conference does not directly impact other CAMFT events or other CAMFT Chapter events. Please refer to the appropriate parties to confirm other events in and around your area.
Q: Is the Annual Membership Meeting, scheduled for May 2, 2020, also cancelled? A: No, CAMFT’s Annual Membership Meeting will still be held at the Hyatt Regency Orange County on Saturday, May 2, 2020 from 8:00am to 9:30am. This meeting is free to members and was noticed to members as required by law and the CAMFT bylaws. You can register for the free Annual Membership Meeting here. More information about the Annual Membership Meeting will be shared soon, including member access to the Annual Business Report and additional Annual Membership Meeting materials.