Brittany Johns

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  • CAMFT's 2023 annual conference
    In-person May 5 - 6, 2023 - Hyatt Regency, Santa Clara, CA


Brittany Johns
Brittany Johns, LMFT
Dana Kalionzes, LMFT
Dana Kalionzes

Brittany is a Licensed Family Therapist; she holds a master's degree in counseling.Brittany serves as a Lead Therapist at Hoag Addiction Treatment Centers and hasserved as a Lead for Collaborative Court-DUI/Drug by facilitating directives for repeatoffender clients through regular court appearances, assessments, and linkages fromjail/detox to residential treatment. Brittany has extensive experience coordinating clientcare with the Public Defender, District Attorney, Probation Officer, and Judge. Brittany isproficient in providing highly extensive Medi-Cal/DMC paperwork and meeting allCounty requirements using EHR (Electronic HealthCare Records) Programming.

Dana is a Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor II; she holds a bachelor’s degree indisciplinary liberal arts. Dana is the Supervisor of Addiction Care at Hoag AddictionTreatment Center and has been working in the field for over 10 years. Dana has spentthe last 10 years working within the hospital setting, and has extensive experience in allthe various phases of treatment from detox to intensive outpatient programming.

Are They Too Old to Recover? The Unique Complexities of SUD and Mental Health Treatment for Older Adults
(1.5 CEs)

Workshop Description:

After attending this workshop, each participant will recognize the complexities that are unique to thegeriatric client. Participants will be able to differentiate appropriate language for a patient to be able tohave self-determination as well as understand the severity of the clinical recommendation. identify howto bridge the gap between medical and behavioral care, across the continuum of care.

-Presented this topic at the 9th annual California Addiction Conference 2022. CCAPP

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will understand the unique complexities of the geriatric population with substance usedisorders - What is the geriatric population? - What are the complexities?
  2. Participant will gain understanding of family's involvement and how to engage all parties in uniqueclinical issues surrounding clients continuing of care.
  3. The challenges of developing solid clinical treatment plan for after care.
  4. Participants with understand more appropriate coordinating services for the specific population,

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