
L&E Workshops

You Get a Subpoena! And You Get a Subpoena!

Friday, November 15, 2024
Presenter:  Kristin W. Roscoe, Esq. 
CAMFT Staff Attorney
9 am – 12 pm
CE 3 
Fee: ​Chapter Member $60 | CAMFT Member $65 | Non-Member $85

Workshop Description:

As we enter the holiday season, there is no gift less desired by a therapist than being served with a subpoena. In this three-hour webinar, attendees will learn the purpose of different types of subpoenas, how to digest a subpoena, steps to take in responding to a subpoena, and the role of the psychotherapist-patient privilege.  


Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to:

  • Analyze a subpoena to determine who issued the subpoena, what type of documents or testimony are requested, and the appropriate next steps in responding to a subpoena seeking records or testimony.
  • Identify the holder of the psychotherapist-patient privilege, when it is appropriate for a therapist to assert the psychotherapist-patient privilege on behalf of a patient, and when such an objection is not appropriate.

Register now.

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Kristin Roscoe, JD

Kristin W. Roscoe, Esq., CAMFT Staff Attorney, takes CAMFT member phone calls regarding law and ethics issues and contributes articles on those subjects to The Therapist. Before joining CAMFT’s legal team, Kristin represented healthcare systems and professionals in professional negligence litigation at La Follette, Johnson, DeHaas, Fesler & Ames. Since entering the legal profession, Kristin has worked in various capacities presenting to and advocating on behalf of her clients both in and outside of the courtroom. Kristin received her B.A. from The College of Wooster in 2006 and graduated from The American University Washington College of Law with her J.D. in 2012.