CAMFT's New Medicare Corner




As of January 1, 2024, MFTs who are enrolled and participating as Fee-For-Service (FFS) Medicare providers will be eligible to be reimbursed for services to Medicare FFS patients. In anticipation of this opportunity, CAMFT has created a Medicare Corner on its website. Through the Medicare Corner, members who are deciding whether they want to become Medicare providers can access Frequently Asked Questions about the Medicare system, the provider enrollment process, reimbursement rates, coverage of telehealth, how to opt-out of Medicare, and much more! The Medicare Mental Health Workforce Coalition’s webinar series on Medicare, including a registration link for the Coalition’s latest webinar being held on Thursday, August 17th , can also be accessed via the Medicare Corner. CAMFT encourages members to regularly visit the Medicare Corner as a means of staying informed about the latest information regarding Medicare and how MFTs are being integrated into the system. “The Corner will soon feature information about, and registration links for, CAMFT’s upcoming 6-part webinar series on Medicare, a series which is scheduled to begin in late September.”

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