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Medi-Cal is moving toward an integrated, collaborative, whole-person approach to care. Medi-Cal Managed Care providers who are working in settings where behavioral health integration is occurring may want to consider participating in the Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) Incentive Program.
The BHI Incentive Program incentivizes Medi-Cal managed care plans (MCPs) to improve physical and behavioral health outcomes, care delivery efficiency, and patient experience by establishing or expanding fully integrated care into their networks. The goal of the BHI Incentive Program is to increase MCP network integration for providers at all levels of integration, focus on new target populations or health disparities, and improve the overall level of integration or impact.
In order to apply, providers must complete and sign the application and submit it directly to their local MCP no later than 5 p.m. PST on January 21, 2020. Providers should not send the application to DHCS. Prior to completing this application, applicants are asked to carefully review the entire application and other supporting documents that are available on the DHCS BHI Incentive Program website, and consult with their local MCP on any questions or concerns. If the provider is awarded BHI funding by the MCP, the selected MCP will be responsible for oversight and payment to the provider for meeting the BHI Incentive Program milestones, based upon the approved application. Complete instructions are provided in the application.
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