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Starting January 1, 2020, the following laws are in effect that will affect MFTs throughout California:
AB 5—Independent Contractors: It is now the presumption is that all California workers are employees, and not independent contractors, unless specifically exempted. CAMFT will be releasing an article in early January as an overview of these changes, which have also been summarized by the California Department of Industrial Standards here.
AB 744—Telehealth Reimbursement: Any health plan or insurer contract issued, amended or renewed after January 1, 2020, requires reimbursement for the diagnosis, consultation, or treatment delivered through telehealth services be on the same basis and to the same extent as that of in-person diagnosis, consultation, or treatment.
AB 1651—LEP Supervision of Associates and Trainees: Licensed Educational Psychologists may now supervise Associates (AMFT, ACSW, APCC) up to 1,200 hours for educationally related mental health services within the school setting.
AB 577—Maternal Mental Health: Extension of the continuity of care for pregnant women to up to 12 months from the diagnosis or from the end of pregnancy, whichever occurs later, if the woman presents written documentation of being diagnosed with a maternal mental health condition from the individual's treating health care provider.
AB 630—Consumer Notification: Starting July 1, 2020, this BBS sponsored bill requires psychotherapy providers (associates and licensees) who provide services to give clients a notice written in at least 12-point type prior to initiating psychotherapy that reads as follows: “NOTICE TO CLIENTS: The Board of Behavioral Sciences receives and responds to complaints regarding services provided within the scope of practice of professional clinical counselors. You may contact the board online at www.bbs.ca.gov, or by calling (916) 574-7830.” This notice can be contained within Informed Consent documentation.
SB 1343—Sexual Harassment Training: Employers who employ five or more employees, including temporary employees, must provide at least two hours of sexual harassment training to all supervisory employees, and at least
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