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The deadline for legislators to introduce bills was March 20, 2021. Formal bill positions will be established after all introduced bills have been analyzed. Here are a few bills that have been introduced so far that are of interest to CAMFT members:
AB 723 (Low) This bill is sponsored by CAMFT and clarifies the existing scope of practice for MFTs. The current MFT practice statute contains an oversimplified short description and refers to other statutes rather than specifying what MFTs actually do. Our bill, with the help of Assemblymember Low, addresses this by accurately portraying the clinical skill-set possessed by MFTs in California. This modernization does not expand the MFT scope, but will help to clearly demonstrate the work that MFTs do on a day-to-day basis.
AB 690 (Arambula) This bill is sponsored by the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) and creates practice settings definitions. The intent of the bill is to eliminate the confusion about where pre-licensees may work by providing specific definitions of private practice, professional corporation, and non-exempt settings.
SB 21 (Glazer) This bill would allow for the sale of behavioral health awareness license plates by the Department of Motor Vehicles. The funds received from the sale of these license plates would be used to fund behavioral health services in schools.
CAMFT encourages all members to visit CAMFT’s Legislative Action Page to learn about all of the bills CAMFT follows, including in-depth descriptions, legislative analyses, and up-to-date status reports. You can also subscribe here to CAMFT’s Action E-Lerts for CAMFT emails on key pieces of legislation.
CAMFT staff attended a BBS Policy and Advocacy meeting on February 5, 2021. During this meeting, the committee discussed the BBS’ legislative proposals, including the bill for practice settings definitions and their omnibus bill. The committee also recommended for the BBS to support CAMFT’s Scope of Practice proposal.
At their March 4th meeting, with the committee’s recommendation, the BBS Board agreed to support CAMFT’s Scope of Practice bill.
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