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Marriage and Family Therapists provide crucial support for the well-being of California youth and their families. CYBHI creates even more opportunities for LMFTs to provide timely and accessible services for all children and youth in California. Specifically, CYBHI will improve the way Medi-Cal’s children and youth access behavioral health services virtually, through their communities and schools and through their existing relationships with Medi-Cal managed care plans (MCP) and county behavioral health plans; expand access to school-based behavioral health services for students; improve and facilitate reimbursement for school-based behavioral health services; invest in social and emotional learning environments for children and youth in school settings; and, improve access to critical behavioral health interventions focused on prevention, early intervention and resiliency/recovery for Black, Indigenous, and people of color and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex+ communities.
CAMFT will continue to keep members informed about the opportunities that allow LMFTs to increase their role and visibility in providing competent, compassionate and effective care to California youth and their families.
To provide comments, make recommendations, or obtain additional information about the CYBHI, please email CYBHI@dhcs.ca.gov.
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