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Maureen Houtz, LMFT
I am eager to represent CAMFT as a clinical director at large. I welcome the opportunity to be an ambassador to the local CAMFT chapters. As a director at large, I would participate in grassroots trainings and accompany the Grassroots Advocacy Team to Washington, D.C. to lobby. Participating and engaging with potential leaders intrigues me.
The job of the clinical director at large is to review and establish major policy along with fellow board members and the membership at large. Having served on boards before, I recognize the importance of collegiality and unity of purpose.
As a former counseling center director, clinical supervisor and professor, I believe I have the skills and intuition to recognize and encourage future leaders of CAMFT.
The strategic plan of CAMFT includes advancing the profession, providing quality service to its members and strengthening the organization. I believe I have the skills and character to fulfill these outcomes.
There are two areas of concern that I bring to the board; the first is the issue of LMFTs being Medicare providers. This has been a long battle that needs to be won as we enter an election year, where insurance coverage is a major issue and as the senior citizen population is above 15% and rising.
The other issue that is near and dear to me is in the area of caring for our aging therapists. As an organization I would love to see a program implemented where either mentorship or increased consultation is readily available to the lone therapist, the very part time worker, the men and women whose skills may be rusty. Currently there is no system in place for rehabilitation without it being punitive.
The Board of Behavioral Science protects the consumer. I would like to begin a dialogue within CAMFT to guard and protect these therapists before they lose their way.
I look forward to serving
Candidate for Director-at-Large (three open positions)