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A slate of candidates for the 2023-2024 CAMFT Board of Directors is presented to the membership by the CAMFT Nominating Committee: Danah Williams (Chair), Bob Casanova, Nancy Finley, Jeff Kashou, and Laura Strom.
The 2023-2024 Nominating Committee Slate of Candidates
Qualified leadership is essential to CAMFT’s success. In the exciting years ahead, it is the elected leadership that will shape the future policies and programs of the Association.
In accordance with the Bylaws of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, the Nominating Committee called for applications from our members and interviewed all prospective nominees. Following the interviews, the Nominating Committee has selected those candidates who, in their judgment, best meet the qualifications to effectively serve as Board Members of CAMFT. The Nominating Committee has put forward the following slate:
Rebecca Hines Candidate Statement
Candidates Added by Petition
CAMFT Bylaws (Article VI, Section C), provides that “any person who is eligible to be elected to the Board of Directors may be included on the ballot by petition. Said petitions shall be delivered to an officer of the Association no later than sixty (60) days prior to the date of election. To be valid, signatures on the petition shall be made within eleven (11) months preceding the next time directors will be elected by members representing at least two (2%) percent of the applicable voting power.” Clinical members must submit a petition with a minimum of 465 signatures. (This number represents 2% of the applicable voting membership on April 1, 2022.) Pre-Licensed members must submit a petition with a minimum of 191 signatures. (This number represents 2% of the applicable voting membership on April 1, 2022.) Petitions with all signatures must be submitted to the CAMFT Administrative office by 4:30 pm on Monday, January 16, 2023. Apply by Petition.
Emails From Candidates You may receive emails from candidates. Please note that CAMFT has not given your email or postal address to these individuals. According to the CAMFT Bylaws and California Corporations Code, a candidate has the right to contact members and furnish information related to the election. In order to comply with the CAMFT Bylaws and California Corporations Code, and to protect your private information, CAM has forwarded the candidates’ materials to you on their behalf. Members who do not want to receive future emails from the candidates, have the option to “unsubscribe” by clicking on the link provided at the bottom of their email.
Your Vote Counts!
The final listing of candidates, including any candidates added by petition, will be available via the CAMFT website by late-January 2023 and published in the February 2023 E-Newsletter. Elections will be held, in early 2023, with ballots due on March 16, 2023.
Remember to GO GREEN to Receive Your Ballot Electronically
CAMFT is continuing to ask members to Go Green to receive electronic ballots and electronic official member communications! If you have already said YES to Going Green—Thank You! For those who have not yet opted to Go Green, you can find more information about our Go Green campaign here.
Election ballots will be mailed/emailed to the voting membership by February 10, 2023. Ballots are due on or before March 16, 2023.
Contact CAMFT if you have a change of address to ensure receipt of mailings.