Ava Denise Phillips - Board Candidate Statement

Ava Denise Phillips - Board Candidate Statement

Candidate for President-Elect

Ava Denise Phillips

Ava Denise Phillips
Candidate Statement

Hello Colleagues 

Thank you for taking the time to read my statement and get to know me better. I am your Chief Financial Officer on the CAMFT Board of Directors. It is an honor and a privilege to represent CAMFT membership on the board. I take my seat at the table very seriously. This experience has deepened my resolve to support and invest my personal and professional time in growing CAMFT. So, I am now ready to embrace the opportunity to serve as your next President-Elect!! 

I am pursuing the President-Elect office mostly because my work, as a board member, is not done. I have so much more to offer, in a leadership position. I will take the experience I’ve gained on the board, thus far, and parlay it into supporting the continued growth of CAMFT and our Strategic Plan. I have experience working with board members and process, on another board and community commission, which I bring to CAMFT. I have over 3 years’ experience serving on the CAMFT Board of Directors; including two years’ experience serving on the Executive Board Committee. I will hit the ground running...

I am committed to maintaining cultural diversity on our board. My default is embracing multiple realities and learning from them. I strive to be fair and do things decent and in order. I am a diversity triple threat: Black, female and over the age of 50!  I’ve brought a unique perspective and voice to the table. It’s essential to have a variety of voices at the table. Everyone brings with them a unique experience that will only enhance the richness and intellectual reach of the board. For more than 28 years I have been in the helping profession, 23 years as an LMFT. Because of telehealth, I have clients throughout the state of California, I also think about my clients when I’m sitting at the table. 

My decision to serve as CAMFT President-Elect is meaningful and intentional. There is so much more work to be done. I would love to see the CAMFT Board of Directors become more involved in the responsibility of promoting CAMFT and the MFT brand across the state. We have a board full of great advocates. I think hearing their voices would be extremely powerful and effective. 

As President-Elect, I hope to be in a position to initiate more connections with our chapters and those who are not chapter affiliated to increase our leadership pipeline. 

Because of my board service as a Clinical Director-At-Large and now Chief Financial Officer, I am intimately familiar with the running of CAMFT and the responsibility of incorporating our mission, strategic plan and DEIA into every decision we make, as a board. During my time on the board, we have encountered many challenges and triumphs. I remain committed and excited to continue my service with all the responsibilities that come with the President-Elect position.  

Thank you for taking the time to read my words. 


Ava Denise Phillips LMFT 


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