Board Meeting Highlights March 2025

From the Boardroom

Board Highlights March 2025

The following notes highlight discussion and action from CAMFT Board of Directors meeting, March 8-9th 2025, in Sacramento, CA.

Chapter to Chapter Reception:
The CAMFT Board invited Board and local members of the East Bay, Marin County, San Francisco, Redwood Empire, Sacramento, Sierra Foothills, and Redding Regional chapters to an informal reception. The reception was well attended. These gatherings allow greater interaction from members at the local level with the CAMFT Board.

Strategic Priorities Update:
The Board discussed efforts underway with the potential of a public facing tagline to assist with both MFT awareness and the strategic initiative of business success. Additionally, a presentation was provided with an update and overview of AI and CAMFT. The Board expressed areas that need investigation and greater research.

Therapist Magazine:
The Board provided feedback regarding how to transition the Therapist to a digital format only, emphasizing the need for specific functionality and member value.

Bylaws Revisions:
The Board reviewed and discussed the Bylaws Committee recommended draft changes to CAMFT’s bylaws. After discussion, the Board voted to send the proposed draft bylaws to the membership for feedback.

Ethics Revisions:
The Board reviewed and discussed the Ethics Committee recommended draft changes to CAMFT’s ethical guidelines related to artificial intelligence and technology. After discussion, the Board voted to send the proposed draft ethics revisions to the membership for feedback.

Financial Report:
The Board reviewed and approved the December 2024 financial report including budget, expenses and revenue.

The Board reviewed and approved a motion to accept the auditor’s report. The auditor’s letter offered a ‘clean opinion’ regarding the financial statements. The Board also received a copy of CAMFT’s 990, and staff answered informational questions.

Social Policy Framework:
The Board discussed the process to choose, prioritize, and develop social policy statements. There was a high-level discussion regarding Executive Orders and administrative directives and the potential impact on the work for MFTs.

Affinity Framework, Sponsors, and Exhibitors:
The Board reviewed and approved an affinity review framework that will enable staff to review potential affinity partners. The Board assigned the Task Force to further identify a role for volunteer evaluators to provide feedback to staff, prior to moving forward with a potential affinity partner.

The Board also provided staff with direction regarding potential sponsors and exhibitors for CAMFT’s Annual Conference.

The next Board meeting will be held on June 7-8 in Carlsbad, CA.