Volunteer Leader Recruitment


VI. Member, Volunteer, Leader Recruitment & Retention

Chapters may not offer free memberships to any of their members (including board members). Discounted membership fees are permitted.

The IRS has ruled that nonprofit organizations (including 501c6 and 501c3) organizations cannot charge some members no dues (or minimal dues) compared to other members of the organization.

  • What this means is that a chapter cannot legally allow any segment of their membership to have the same rights as Clinical members and free membership
  • Chapters may offer a discount to a segment of their membership, e.g. Students/Associates/Emeritus members, but then they also need to offer fewer benefits
  • Dues may not be a token amount (e.g. $5) because the IRS would also consider that a violation of the law


CAMFT revised their Bylaws in 2019 to reflect that Emeritus members need to pay a fee (less than regular membership BUT with fewer benefits) in order to comply with the IRS regulation. Read more here.

Learn, Connect, Volunteer with CAMFT

Over the recent months, CAMFT has seen an emerging desire by members to have a say in the governance and future of CAMFT. Becoming a volunteer is the best way to get your opinions heard, learn more about the current CAMFT and future CAMFT, connect with fellow CAMFT members, develop your leadership skills, and become an integral part of the CAMFT community—all while making a difference in CAMFT. No matter what your talent, interest, or availability, there's an opportunity that is right for you!


Participate on CAMFT’s Board of Directors

Are you interested in offering your leadership services to CAMFT? Membership on the CAMFT Board of Directors is exciting, challenging and demanding. It provides opportunities for deep community with your professional colleagues as you move along the mainstream and front line of our profession in California. If you are willing to embark on such a significant personal and professional journey, please click here for the CAMFT Board of Director Application Packet.

Participate on a Committee

A way to get involved in the planning and governance of CAMFT, with less time commitment than the Board, is to become a part of a CAMFT Committee. Currently, we have the following CAMFT Committees: Annual Conference and Continuing Education Committee, Bylaws Committee, Certified Supervisor Program Committee, Chapter Advisory Council, Clinical Editorial Council, Elections Committee, Ethics Committee, Finance Committee, Honors Committee, Leadership Council Committee, Nominating Committee, Political Action Committee, Purview Committee, Scholarship Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, and Crisis Response Education and Resource Committee.

To learn more about each Committee, please click here.

If you are interested in serving on a Committee, please send a cover letter indicating the committee in which you are interested along with your resume to CAMFT at 7901 Raytheon Road, San Diego, CA 92111. Committee appointments are made by the President of the Board of Directors.

Write an Article for the Therapist Magazine

Articles for the Pre-licensees Corner, Supervisors Corner, and the Professional Exchange can be submitted for consideration throughout the year. View editorial calendar and deadlines.


Satisfaction Surveys Can Improve Your Member Volunteer Experience

Why your Chapter Needs Young Volunteers + How to Recruit and Motivate Them

Develop a Volunteer Corps That’s Built to Last

Seven Ways to Engage Remote Volunteers

Suggestions for Recruiting Volunteers

  • Ask a national board or committee member completing their term, to consider serving at the local level.
  • Keep a list of local/state volunteer opportunities to refer to members.
  • Consider adding local volunteer service to your CE requirements.
  • Ask your state/national leaders to recruit colleagues in their organizations to sit on local boards.
  • Make a personal introduction for a current chapter leader to a future leader.

No matter what type of work you need volunteers to help with, you should make sure they are familiar with your mission and operations. When you explain what volunteers help you to achieve, you make their work more satisfying. And volunteers who gain a sense of accomplishment from their work will be more likely to lend a hand again

New volunteers should be led through an orientation or onboarding presentation, particularly if they will be representing your organization to donors and the public.

Step I: Suggested items to cover for new volunteers:
  • Your Chapter’s mission
  • Your primary programs
  • What kind of work volunteers help with
  • Basic safety instructions and rules
  • How to document volunteer hours (if needed)
  • Frequently asked questions
Step II: Suggested items to cover during Volunteer Training:
  • Break Down Roles and Responsibilities

i. Train volunteers for the actual tasks they will be performing
ii. Another important step to set your volunteers up for success is to make sure they know who their supervisor is
iii. Try to assign volunteers to different tasks based on their distinct skill sets and interests.
iv. After covering general event information, divide your volunteers by role and offer specific trainings for each one. Everyone should know what to do before, during, and after your event. Taking care of these details will minimize confusion and boost your staff’s confidence.

  • Ensure They Know How to Speak About You

i. Your mission statement
ii. Why you exist
iii. The purpose of this event as it relates to your mission
iv. How registration fees and sponsorships from this event will be used

  • Run Through Event Goals and Schedule
  • Prep Them for Questions

i. Cover possible inquiries about parking, restrooms, check-in, food allergies, seating, the venue, and other matters.
ii. Train volunteers on how to handle any difficult or unexpected situations that might occur. For example, what happens when a pre-registered guest’s name does not appear on the guest list? Everyone benefits when your staff and volunteers feel ready and capable.
iii. Most importantly, make sure your volunteers know whom to contact for any other questions, concerns, or emergencies. They should be able to easily get in touch with a staff member.

  • Follow Up

i. Thanking volunteers is one of the most important parts to volunteering. It directly impacts the volunteer experience, and can it can sway whether your member will volunteer again. Strengthen their commitment to your chapter by expressing genuine thanks through a letter, special appreciation event, or in person. This will help build long-lasting relationships and increase their likelihood of volunteering again.
ii. To demonstrate that you value their opinions, send them a follow-up survey to find out what they enjoyed, whether they felt prepared to do their jobs, and how you can improve their experience in the future.
iii. At the end of the day, it will help you retain valuable volunteer talent.


Here are just a few ideas on how to thank your volunteers

  • Virtual Lunches
  • Gift Baskets and/or gift cards
  • Thank you on chapter website or online communities
  • Social media posting highlights & profiles of the week
  • Recognition from the President/Board/Committee Chairs
  • Free CE event
  • A thank you note to volunteers' employers
  • Thank you email with funny GIF
  • Volunteer Spotlight
  • Recognition in newsletter
  • Video testimonial to share on social media
  • LinkedIn recommendations: Use National Volunteer Week to write recommendations for your volunteers
  • Make a postcard: Got a Zoom call coming up? Take a moment to have participants write down one word of gratitude and hold it up to the camera for a quick snapshot. It will make a great postcard to send out to your volunteers
  • Highlight the work of your board and committee leaders by creating a “Meet Your Leader Monday.” Use a simple form to ask your volunteers questions and then use the content to build out your campaign. Don’t forget to tag them for additional exposure.