Legal Team

Legal Team

Free, Unlimited Legal Consultation Service

Have you been served with a subpoena to testify or present evidence in a law suit involving a client?

Do you feel you might be walking a fine line between your professional and social interactions with your client?

Do you have reason to believe that a client is a danger to self, or to others, and unsure about reporting obligations?

Are you are caught in between a minor client and a concerned parent over who has access to confidential records?

Have you just opened a practice and need a refresher on California business advertising laws?

The answers to your legal, ethical, licensure related questions are only a phone call away! 

Get immediate consultation about:

  • Advertising
  • Confidentiality
  • Consent Issues
  • Dangerous Patients
  • Ethics (including Dual Relationships)
  • Insurance
  • Interns
  • Legal Issues
  • Managed Care
  • Record Keeping
  • Reporting
  • Scope of Practice & Scope of Competence
  • Supervision


Attorneys available:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm,
Tuesday, Thursday: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm.

No Legal Advice from Legal Consultations Services

CAMFT attorneys, including CAMFT staff attorneys, who answer the legal consultation hotline cannot provide specific legal advice to members or the public. By referring callers to statutes, rules, cases, and BBS opinions, CAMFT attorneys strive to assist members in reaching informed decisions regarding the members’ professional responsibility questions and concerns. No individual utilizing the CAMFT legal consultation service should act or refrain from acting based on information received from CAMFT and/or its attorneys without first seeking legal advice from independent counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.