ADPCAMFT is pleased to offer our Members a Special Negotiated Discount* with ADP® - the leading provider of Payroll, HR and Benefits. If you have an Intern (employee) or plan to take a salary as an Officer of your Corporation, take advantage of these benefits now.

  • With RUN Powered by ADP®, you can securely process your payroll via their amazing web based platform or by phone. ADP® will accurately process your payroll and accept responsibility for filing and depositing payroll taxes and respond to inquiries from the IRS and EDD(or any other State) (subject to ADP’s standard terms and conditions). You and your employee(s) can enjoy the flexibility of Direct Deposit and other services
    • ADP® helps Members stay in compliance with the ever changing tax laws.
    • ADP® also can provide a premium payment program for workers compensation through their Pay-by-Pay® product
    • Stay in compliance with the CA Retirement Plan Mandate through ADP Retirement Services. No Company Match required, and your business may be eligible for federal Tax Credits by setting up a Retirement Plan.

To take advantage of this amazing offer, please contact our dedicated rep, Wendy Govenar with ADP® Directly at (818) 592-3642 or

This program is only available to members through contacting Wendy. (Do not contact the ADP® office in your area or contact ADP® inside sales via the ADP website because you will not be eligible to participate).

*Discount applies to new clients on the Run Powered by ADP® product only.

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