Articles by CAMFT Attorneys | Page 18

Articles by Legal Department Staff

The Legal Department articles are not intended to serve as legal advice and are offered for educational purposes only. The information provided should not be used as a substitute for independent legal advice and it is not intended to address every situation that could potentially arise. Please be aware that laws, regulations and technical standards change over time. As a result, it is important to verify and update any reference or information that is provided in the article.


Are there questions you may have for the Association that go unanswered because you aren’t quite sure where to get the answers? This article addresses
some common questions we receive from members about the Association.

This article discusses fundamental elements of the federal and state antitrust laws you should know to protect against potential antitrust violations.

This article will review the section of law that requires there to be a written agreement between schools and work settings for the hours of experience gained by trainees outside of their practicum assignments.

There are many advantages to being in private practice, but there are also many disadvantages. This article will be the first of a series  of articles that will address issues to consider when contemplating or planning to open a private practice.

Marital Therapy Vignette -  Vignette Discussion to “Treating Couples: Identifying and Managing Legal & Ethical Issues

Understanding who is and who is not a covered entity, as well as how you can avoid becoming a covered entity, is important because such entities must comply with HIPAA.

There are many things to consider when planning to open a private practice. This article will offer you a few basic issues to consider as well as references that you will find quite useful.

While some of your more difficult clients weren???t so pleasant to work with, they have since moved along. However, some difficult clients remain engrossed in your practice, your thoughts, your life???costing you money, time, sleep, and potentially

We invite you to provide CAMFT with your written analysis of the legal and ethical issues that arise based on the actions taken by the therapists in four clinical vignettes.

If you are a considered a Covered Entity for purposes of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) and you have “Business Associates” as defined by HIPAA, you will want to read on to ensure that neither you nor your Business Associate is at risk of committing HIPAA violations for which you could both face lawsuits and/or hefty fines.