Articles by CAMFT Attorneys | Page 27

Articles by Legal Department Staff

The Legal Department articles are not intended to serve as legal advice and are offered for educational purposes only. The information provided should not be used as a substitute for independent legal advice and it is not intended to address every situation that could potentially arise. Please be aware that laws, regulations and technical standards change over time. As a result, it is important to verify and update any reference or information that is provided in the article.


The purpose of this article is to apprise supervisors and interns of the right that supervisors have under California law to make reports to the BBS about unqualified, incompetent, or dishonest interns. Although this article focuses on the rights that supervisors have in relation to interns, the information contained herein is equally applicable to interns or colleagues who wish to complain about unqualified, incompetent, or dishonest licensees.

In this article learn about the various component parts of HIPAA and how they fit together to protect patient's privacy.

Learn about the Privacy Rule and the forms you will need to have in your office to comply.  Be advised that the Notice of Privacy Practices has been updated.

When Treating Minors 12 years of age or older, consent does not automatically equal authorization to release confidential medical information

The Role of Minor’s Counsel in Family Court Proceedings

Advertising Guidelines for Therapists

Scope of Practice. Questions often arise regarding the breadth of the scope of practice of the marriage and family therapist professional, or with regard to any profession or professional . What is a scope of practice? And, how does it differ from a scope of competence? If challenged, can you articulate your scope of practice?

Consent for the Treatment of Minors: Caregiver Authorization

Understanding your rights and responsibilities with regard to third party reimbursement and the nuances of when you are and are not reimbursed can be daunting for the therapist who has never navigated these waters.  This article provides you with an overview.