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TO SOLICIT OR NOT TO SOLICIT? KEY ISSUES TO CONSIDER BEFORE SOLICITING TESTIMONIALS AND REVIEWS FROM PATIENTS In this article, Bradley J. Muldrow, JD provides an overview of CAMFT Code of Ethics Rule 13.6 which addresses the solicitation of patient testimonials. The article also discusses important legal and ethical issues therapists should consider prior to soliciting testimonials and reviews from patients.
A LOOK AT THE CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT REPORTING ACT This article provides an overview of the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) and discusses the mandatory reporting obligations for psychotherapists.
REPORTING CONSENSUAL SEXUAL ACTIVITY WITH AND BETWEEN MINORS: THE CONFUSION UNRAVELED Time and time again, there seems to be much confusion with regard to whether an MFT must, or is even permitted to, report consensual sexual activity involving minors.
THE NEW AGE OF PROLONGED GRIEF Seasoned The Therapist contributor John Tsilimparis, LMFT, discusses the importance of the new Prolonged Grief diagnosis recently added to the updated DSM-V-TR.
THE ROOTS OF ECO-ANXIETY: A DEPTH PSYCHOLOGICAL PROPOSAL Worrying about changes to our planet can cause profound stress for many of our clients. Robyn Dalbey, AMFT, reviews the concept of eco-anxiety and ways to help our clients work through these stressors.
A REVIEW OF EMDR LITERATURE: A CLINICIAN’S SKEPTICISM Angela Nauss, LMFT, questions whether or not EMDR is worth all the hype.
CAMFT SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANT AVAILABLE CAMFT’s Educational Foundation is offering three scholarships and one grant. Students pursuing a degree in marriage and family therapy, Associate MFTs, or MFTs conducting research or pursuing advanced education are eligible to apply.
BUSINESS OF PRACTICE: MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Meet speaker, blogger, playwright, trauma specialist, and center owner Katrina Wood, PhD, LMFT, from Los Angeles.
CAMFT RECOGNIZES EXCELLENCE Congratulations to CAMFT’s 2022 Scholarships & Grant winners and 2022 Honors & Awards winners.
NOMINATIONS FOR CAMFT HONORS AND AWARDS Nominations are now being accepted by the Honors Committee for the Mary Riemersma Distinguished Clinical Member Award, Honorary Distinguished Member Award, Clark Vincent Award, and School or Agency Award.