Editorial Guidelines for Writers

Editorial Guidelines for Writers

Want to be featured in the next edition of The Therapist magazine? Click here to submit Professional Exchange articles, Member Spotlight questionnaires, and more.


CAMFT serves over 36,000 members across the state of California and our communications touch a wide variety of stakeholders including consumers, legislators, fellow associations as well as our members. Our communications engage a wide variety of modalities including ENewsletters, multiple social media platforms, emails and other digital forums, website content, a bi-monthly association magazine, and more.

CAMFT strives to align all our communications efforts with our mission statement and DEI values. We work to practice ethical communication and adhere to principles of inclusivity and cultural sensitivity. We strive to use non-oppressive terms and ensure equitable representation of historically marginalized people throughout our communications platforms.  

CAMFT welcomes and encourages our members and stakeholders to share their clinical perspectives and express their thoughts on various topics. We firmly believe in fostering a robust and inclusive public discourse that promotes respectful dialogue among individuals with a wide range of experiences and viewpoints. We are committed to following the current evidence-based research and clinical best-practice, aligning with fellow reputable associations and professional organizations in the mental health and medical space, including the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Medical Association, and the World Health Organization.


  1. We strive in all our communications to maintain a respectful, professional tone and abide by the content guidelines above. Due to the amount of content we publish and due to our desire to publish cutting edge clinical technologies that are relevant to our members, we cannot promise perfection. It is our policy to correct our errors as soon as we become aware of them.
  2. Content generation for all external communications including ENewsletters, social media posts, magazine articles and website content will be predominantly overseen by the Communication team at CAMFT with input and collaboration when appropriate from CAMFT teams including the Executive, Legal, Membership, and Operations teams and, the CAMFT Board of Directors.
  3. The predominant goal for all CAMFT communications is to add value to CAMFT members and stakeholders and provide valuable information, insights, or solutions to our audiences.
  4. Communications that potentially impact marginalized groups or touch on current controversial social themes, including (but not limited to) topics such as Age, Body Size, Culture, Disability, Gender Identity, Ethnicity, Neurodiversity, Race, Sexual Orientation, and Socioeconomic Status may go through an approval process before being shared through any of CAMFT’s communications platforms. This process will include input from the Executive Director/Deputy Executive Director.
  5. CAMFT may also employ professional sensitivity readers and expert DEI consultants as needed before publishing content that could potentially impact marginalized communities or vulnerable populations.
  6. CAMFT Communications processes are iterative. Outcomes will be continually assessed and content continually refined to ensure we are reaching our goals and staying aligned with our mission and values.

SPECIFIC PROCESSES for CAMFT’s Social Media Platforms

  1. We strive in all our social media communications to maintain a respectful, professional tone and abide by the content guidelines and communications processes above.
  2. Comments on CAMFT’s social media platforms must also abide by the content guidelines and communications processes above. CAMFT reserves the right to delete and/or report any comments that do not align with these guidelines and processes.
  3. CAMFT’s social media platforms are not the appropriate place for self-promotion or advertising, and comments that contain outside self-promotion or advertising may be deleted. Promotions and advertising opportunities are available for our members and for those wanting to reach our members in The Therapist magazine and other venues.
  4. Holiday Postings: CAMFT recognizes the wide array of holidays and special days celebrated by many different cultures, religions, and groups. To not exclude or offend a particular group, CAMFT will refrain from posting holiday posts except to inform members and stakeholders about CAMFT offices being closed for specific holidays throughout the year.


Authors outside of CAMFT Staff that provide content for consideration for publication in The Therapist magazine, CAMFT’s On-Demand Learning portal or other CAMFT communications platforms must also abide by the content guidelines and communications processes above. CAMFT strongly encourages all potential contributors to familiarize themselves with the APA Style Guide and CAMFT’s Editorial Guidelines before submitting a piece for publication.

Additionally, potential contributors should write clearly and concisely, using well-reasoned arguments supported by facts, evidence, and reliable sources. When possible, cite sources and provide evidence to support your position. Before submitting your article or letter, please ensure that it is free of grammatical errors, typos, and other linguistic mistakes. All submissions, including Letters to the Editor, must include the author's full name and email address.

Submissions that are disrespectful in tone or that contain personal attacks, derogatory language or offensive remarks will not be published.

Editorial Discretion: While we strive to provide a platform for a diverse range of opinions, the publication of articles and letters is ultimately at the discretion of our editorial team. We reserve the right to select, edit, or decline submissions based on the guidelines above, available space, and other editorial considerations.


The Therapist magazine will accept submissions that correspond to one of three categories: Professional Exchange, The Business of Practice: Member Spotlight, or Letter to the Editor.  Submissions should be sent via e-mail to articles@camft.org as an attachment (preferably Microsoft Word), or snail-mailed to: Editorial Advisory Council, CAMFT,3298 Governor Dr. #22627, San Diego, CA 92192. Letters to the Editor that do not follow the Editorial Guidelines will not be published.

Professional Exchange Articles are 2,000-3,000 word submissions relevant to clinical theory and practice that contain the best available, current, scientific evidence to support the topic being discussed. Professional exchange submissions must abide by CAMFT’s COMMUNICATIONS PROCESSES and CONTENT GUIDELINES above and include peer-reviewed citations, learning objectives, and questions to be used for Continuing Education (CE) credits. Additional supplemental materials are welcome. A short (100 word) biography and picture of the author(s) should also be included with the submission.

  • Manuscript Style: Submissions should be carefully prepared and easy to read (double-spaced with size 12 font preferred). The style of writing should be professional, substantive, and clear.
  • Citations / References: When citing the research referenced in the manuscript, primary references should be used when possible. Current references (within the last 10 years) are preferable. References should be formatted according to an established citation style (APA, AMA, or similar) and placed in alphabetical order.
  • Author Qualifications: In order for manuscripts to fulfill the requirements for continuing education materials, they must be written by authors who meet at least two (2) of the following criteria:
    • Author(s) hold a valid and unrestricted license, registration or certificate in an area related to the subject matter of the article.
    • Author(s) possess a Master’s degree or higher in an area related to the subject matter of the article.
    • Author(s) can provide evidence of substantial training, certification, or teaching experience in subject matter relating to the article.
    • Author(s) have at least 2 years of professional experience in an area of expertise related to the subject matter of the article.

The Business of Practice: Member Spotlight column highlights CAMFT members and their clinical business practices. Submissions should be 750 – 1000 words in length and follow the question and answer format of the Business of Practice: Member Spotlight Questionnaire. Member Spotlight submissions must abide by CAMFT’s COMMUNICATIONS PROCESSES and CONTENT GUIDELINES above. Spotlight drafts should both highlight the CAMFT member’s work and provide relevant information for fellow therapists and CAMFT members about the variety of ways to work in mental health. To be considered for Member Spotlight, fill out the Member Spotlight Questionnaire by clicking here, and email your completed questionnaire to articles@camft.org.

Letters to the Editor must abide by CAMFT’s COMMUNICATIONS PROCESSES and CONTENT GUIDELINES above and be 250 words or less. Letters to the Editor must pertain to an article appearing within the last six months of the most recent issue. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

Letters to the Editor reflect the views of the writers and not CAMFT's views. Still, Letters to the Editor that use biased or non-inclusive language, or do not follow the COMMUNICATIONS PROCESSES and CONTENT GUIDELINES above, will not be published. CAMFT strongly encourages potential contributors to read through CAMFT’s Editorial Guidelines before submitting a Letter to the Editor.

Editorial Discretion: While we strive to provide a platform for a diverse range of opinions, the publication of articles and letters is ultimately at the discretion of our editorial team. We reserve the right to select, edit, or decline submissions based on the guidelines above, available space, and other editorial considerations.



Article Submission Deadlines and Issue Mail Dates


Article Submission Deadline

Mail Date

January/February November 15 January 25
March/April January 15 March 25
May/June March 15 May 25
July/August May 15 July 25
September/October July 15 September 25
November/December September 15 November 25