Strategic Plan 2025-2027

Strategic Plan 2025-2027

CAMFT's Strategic Plan was approved by the CAMFT Board of Directors on December 8, 2024 and is effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2027.

All of the goals are rooted in diversity, equity, inclusion, and access; aligning the strategic plan with the values of inclusivity, ethicality, fidelity, integrity and professionalism. This strategic plan was developed under the leadership of the CAMFT Board of Directors. The planning process included an environmental scan, membership survey, research-based issue briefs, and extensive dialog amongst members of the Board and other stakeholders. The Board evaluated overall trends in areas including politics, technology, and demography; applying insights to forecast a favorable climate for the profession.

CAMFT seeks to advance the awareness, accessibility, and value of MFTs. The strategic plan identifies our three-year course of action via three goals which are the enduring aspirational theme or focus area that will drive the organization. Next you will find strategic objectives, these are more specific, action-oriented statements that support the strategic priorities. Our framework defines the work within each objective in the following terms:

  • “Run” – Near term work within the first 1-2 years of the plan’s execution
  • “Grow” – Meaningful work that will take 2+ years to complete
  • “Transform” – Long-term, high-impact efforts to bring about profound, lasting change within the organization

The overall budget for this strategic plan is $1.8M and will be funded by CAMFT’s Opportunity Reserve.

CAMFT's Mission
CAMFT exists for the advancement of the Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT) profession by strengthening qualifications, and maintaining high standards of professional ethics and accountability, in order to enhance recognition and utilization of the profession. CAMFT enables and empowers MFTs to best serve their clients and communities. The Association also serves as a steward to the profession, providing representation before the legislature, governmental bureaus, and agencies.

2025-2027 Strategic Plan


Professional Success

Technology Integration

Advocacy & Awareness

GOALBy Laws Goal Enhance members’ ability to establish and grow successful careers/businesses. Leverage advanced technology and AI to enhance operations, member services, and industry leadership. Advocate for key issues that affect the practitioner’s professional standing and financial well-being.


Bylaws Objectives

  1. Support members’ professional development with pathways to acquire new skills, increase clinical capability, and elevate their marketability.
  2. Enhance members’ business acumen to help streamline operations enabling MFTs to scale and grow their businesses.
  1. Explore and educate on AI’s ethical and practical role. in psychotherapy
  2. Enhance CAMFT’s website. and technological infrastructure to elevate the member experience.
  3. Promote responsible technology utilization among members.
  1. Advance initiatives that support MFT license portability .
  2. Advocate with partners to improve compensation for MFTs and reduce financial barriers that negatively impact providers.
  3. Position MFTs as industry leaders who are advancing the art and science of human-centered care and positive patient outcomes.


Bylaws Outcome

RUN – Research needs and scope to create a Resource Hub that identifies product and service offerings, market, cost, financial sustainability, time to implement, and potential partners. RUN – 
* Update CAMFT’s Code of Ethics to include AI considerations. Educate membership on AI’s ethical and practical role in psychotherapy.
* Transition The Therapist to an engaging digital offering.
RUN – Continue to work with both AAMFT on model law portability and with BBS on adopting the national exam with forward moving progress on both; and educate members on same.

Launch an educational campaign to inform members of ways to reduce student debt and increase access to income.
  GROW – Create and launch a robust MFT Resource Hub based on research findings that supports professional development and simplifies business operations. GROW – Enact AI/technology strategy within CAMFT operations to enhance service provided to membership.


* Complete research study on realistic strategies to improve insurance reimbursement rates.

* Work with stakeholders on finding additional ways to improve compensation and reduce student debt.

* Collaborate with stakeholders to build awareness among legislators/policy makers on the value of human centered therapy (versus AI therapy) with the ethical use of AI/technology.

  TRANSFORM – CAMFT serves as the premier professional resource for MFT training and business resources. TRANSFORM – Utilize technology to streamline access to therapy for clients, simplify practice for therapists, and enhance the member experience. TRANSFORM – Advance quality of care for clients and ensure MFTs’ compensation is commensurate with practitioners’ training and experience through advocacy and thought-leadership.


DEI Lens


Assess products/ services for inclusivity (accessibility, value proposition, demographics
served, etc.).
Assess accessibility to technology and potential (racial, gender, ableist, etc.) biases. Assess for equitable outcomes in legislation, policies, regulation.

Refined annually

Bylaws Metric

Within 12 months of Resource Hub launch, target member satisfaction rating of 4 out of 5 stars. Achieve a member utilization rate of 20% for The Therapist magazine by 12/31/27. Achieve a Member Satisfaction rating of 82% by 12/31/27. Pending data and impact assessment, deploy a large language module for increased membership value. Adoption of the National Exam by BBS and AMFTRB by December 31, 2027, with national exam transition plan to be outlined thereafter. Pending strategy and PR firm marketing research, marketing advocacy metric to improve MFTs' financial well-being to be defined in year two.


