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Dear Members:
As we enter 2022, we recognize the hope that a new year brings, along with the many challenges the last two years have brought to our physical and emotional health, especially for MFTs navigating their own way while holding space for their clients. I began 2022 reading a jarring New York Times article titled, “Why 1,320 Therapists Are Worried About Mental Health in America Right Now.” The article reviewed common themes of therapist burnout, increased patient substance use and suicidality, historic rates of children with anxiety and grief and more. Sadly, it posted a fairly grim picture of what many have deemed the “second pandemic” of mental health problems.
After reflecting on this article, I sat with my own emotions, knowing that these stresses are also hitting you, our members, in a very personal way. And yet, I also began to realize that while there is a crisis out there, there is also opportunity. There is opportunity for all therapists to reach patients they normally would not encounter, and to make huge impacts to help relieve the burden of anxiety and depression on many who feel lost and stricken with grief. There is opportunity for CAMFT to be a beacon of education and advocacy for our members so they are prepared.
I am hopeful to know that each therapist reading this can be that beacon of hope for the clients you see. It is also essential that all health care providers practice self-care and stay connected to their communities through CAMFT Chapters and other social outlets. Taking on your client’s anxiety, grief and pain without nurturing your own support system is destructive to you as a person and a provider. It is CAMFT’s mission and goal to educate our members so that they set the bar on legal and ethical practices. It is our mission and goal to advocate for and support you to have the most opportunities available out there, parity with other professions, and to make mental health and the marriage and family therapist the centerpiece of mental health in California.
Aligned with that mission, I wanted to give a quick update on what CAMFT is working on this month.
We look forward to continuing to provide the support, education, advocacy and resources you need to continue to provide the invaluable services you do for your clients.
We wish you a healthy, prosperous and peaceful year. Cathy Atkins, JD Deputy Executive Director
Click here to read the latest from Sacramento and the BBS.
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MFTs will need to provide good faith estimates of charges to uninsured and private-pay patients Read more.
We're are so excited to welcome new and existing members to pre-licensed membership at CAMFT! As a reminder, we have many resources for you as a Pre-Licensed member. Click here for more information.
Don't miss the upcoming webinar for Licensed and Pre-Licensed members overviewing all the new laws in the new year! Register for free, and for a small fee get training hours. Click here for more information.
Click here for more information.
Click here for the list of providers
Have you ever thought about sharing your knowledge and skill while supplementing your income? Now is the perfect time to become a CAMFT-Approved Continuing Education Provider! Apply Today!
If you submit your Initial Application by January 31st, you will receive a 15% discount!
For a complete listing of CAMFT Certified Supervisors Click here.
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Click here for CAMFT's 'New Year, New Laws' webpage.
Click here to simplify your life & save paper!.
Click here for the chapter events.
Click here for the details.
Click here for a list of upcoming CAMFT State of the Profession, Road to Licensure, and Law & Ethics presentations offered by the Chapters to CAMFT Members.
Click here for virtual events planned by your local CAMFT chapter. Not all events may be listed here, so feel free to access your local chapter's website through the CAMFT Chapter Links page.
The deadline to submit an article is February 1, 2022. More Information.
Place your display ad order by February 1, 2022. More Information.
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