Board Meeting Highlights June 2024

From the Boardroom

Board Highlights June 2024

The following notes highlight discussion and action from CAMFT Board of Directors meeting, June 7 – 9, 2024 in Oceanside, CA. 

CAMFT Office Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
The CAMFT Board invited Board members of the San Diego, San Diego North County, Inland Empire and Southwest Riverside chapters to a reception and ribbon cutting to at CAMFT’s new Headquarters. The event marked a new era for the organization. CAMFT unveiled our new staff home that with its modern design that will inspire idea generation and collaboration.   

Board Vacancy
CAMFT has a Board vacancy and information for applications will be provided via eblast, the eNewsletter and the CAMFT website. 

Financial Report: 
The Board reviewed the April 2024 financial report including expenses and revenue. While revenue is slightly below budget expenses are less than planned. The investment portfolio has had positive returns as well. 

Strategic Priorities Update
The Board received an update from Alafia on CAMFT’s priorities including DEI efforts with internal training and assessment, advocacy overview (PAC opt-out, national exam, and license portability). 

As part of CAMFT’s Strategic Plan the Board received presentations from three consultants. 

Additional Matters
CAMFT took the position to support the California 2024 Right to Marry Proposition and to update our 2009 statement on marriage equality. 

The Board also discussed The Therapist Magazine and the exploration of providing the magazine in a digital format only.  Member input will be gathered to provide more information on this topic for the Board’s consideration. 

The next Board meeting will be held on September 21-22 in Napa, CA.