Governance Committee



To provide support and assistance to the CAMFT Board of Directors through assessment, development, and monitoring of board functioning so as to ensure ongoing effectiveness and continuity in performance of board duties. The Committee functions as organizational memory to assist in the continuity of past, present, and future Boards.

The Governance Committee shall be composed of at least six (6) members. The Committee shall consist of the Past President as Chair, the President as Vice-Chair, the President-Elect, two former members of CAMFT’s Board of Directors, and one CAMFT member (with a background in nonprofit governance preferred). With each new Board election cycle the Past President shall finish their term on the Committee and the new President-Elect shall join.

Diversity in composition is desired. Any member who is the subject of an investigation shall, upon the vote of a majority of the Governance Committee, recuse themselves from any Committee activities during the pendency of the investigation.

Committee members are recommended by the sitting President, and are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the CAMFT Board of Directors for a term of three (3) years other than as determined above. Terms for the initial Committee members may be staggered as determined by the Board to help ensure continuity of knowledge on the Committee. Committee members may be removed by the Board at any time.

The Governance Committee shall hold four (4) meetings per year via teleconferencing or in-person, and as required to execute its functions and liaise with the board in a timely manner. CAMFT staff members shall assist the Governance Committee with coordinating meetings at the request of the Committee’s Chair. CAMFT staff members shall attend committee meetings and/or provide support and assistance in carrying out the Committee’s functions at the request of the Committee’s Chair.

Developing the Current Board

  • Ensures continuing development and effectiveness of Board
  • Develops, plans and oversees Board development including retreats, orientations and social events
  • Leadership training and development
  • Mentorship and mentor training and ensuring clarity of roles
  • Ensures continuance and development of board mentorship program
  • Develops appropriate onboarding strategy, emphasizing appropriate diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Creates and implements plans to regularly educate the boardBand strengthen board relationships

Planning for the Future Board:

  • Provides input to the Nominating Committee on preferred profiles for vacant positions
  • Identifies leadership pipeline
  • Ensures board member recruitment strategy, including desired skill sets and diverse perspectives
  • Recruits Board candidates on ongoing basis

Monitoring and Counseling the Current Board and Committees:

  • Monitors adherence to Code of Conduct and recommends appropriate disciplinary steps
  • Monitors board member participation and involvement and makes recommendations as appropriate
  • Reviews referred conflicts between Board members and makes recommendations for resolution
  • Recommends the resignation or removal of a Board member, as appropriate

Board Assessment:

  • Conducts annual self-assessment of the Board
  • Evaluates and interprets self-assessment results
  • Reviews performance of Board, including effectiveness of meetings
  • Presents results of assessments to the Board

Creating and Reviewing Policies/Procedures/etc.:

  • Develops governance policies for effective oversight and thoughtful planning
  • Periodically reviews mission and vision statements of the organization

Oversight and Compliance

  • Monitors the Board’s compliance with applicable legal requirements and guidelines and makes appropriate recommendations to the Board
  • Makes recommendations to the Board on governance policies, practices and procedures related to nonprofit organizations
  • Monitors compliance with nonprofit governance regulations and, accordingly, providing prudent and timely guidance to the board
  • Monitors and assesses the relationship between the Board and staff and make recommendations to the Board to help ensure compliance with appropriate lines of delegated authority

CAMFT Committees