Chapter Leader E-Newsletter January 2024

January 2024 Chapter E-Newsletter


Happy New Year 2024

Dear Chapter Leaders,

Wishing you a New Year filled with personal and professional accomplishments. Happy New Year! 

Thank you for yet another amazing year. I am looking forward to 2024, especially working with all of you on the L&E Webinar Revenue Share Program that we have unveiled in December 2023. Congratulations to the Sacramento Valley Chapter for being the first chapter to opt-in to the Program.

New year’s edition highlights:  

  • Tips to assist you with your volunteer duties
  • What to expect at the Chapter Leadership Conference
  • The L&E Webinar Revenue Share proposal for chapters
  • Annual reports due date

Michele ChampionIf you have any questions, need more information, or have content suggestions, please reach out to the Chapter Relations Manager, Michele, at

  • For All Positions
  • Chapter Calendar
  • Presidents
  • Treasurers/CFOs/BookKeepers
  • Events/Education/
  • Membership/
  • Diversity, Equity,
    and Inclusion
  • Pre-Licensed/
    3000 Club
  • Technology/
    Social Media
  • Archived

For All Positions

See you there! In-Person Chapter Leadership Conference, Feb 2-3, 2024

  • None of the sessions will be recorded
  • Conference attendance is free to Chapter Board members and Committee Chairs
  • The Reception on Friday, and the Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday are included and only open to registered chapter leaders
  • Meet our keynote David “DJ” Johnson
    • He will be discussing:  “Leading in the Now: Strengthening Connection, Engagement, and Alignment Across Your Chapters” as well as how to not only recruit chapter leaders and members, but also how to keep them engaged
  • Don’t’ miss the Award Ceremony on Saturday morning, where we will be honoring the Outstanding Chapter Leaders and Chapter Excellence award recipients.
  • The “Speed-Sharing“ session is planned as a fun and interactive opportunity to share and learn from each other
  • The Reception on Friday, and the meals and Synthesis & Snacks session on Saturday are just some of the opportunities to network and get to know your peers
  • Other sessions include new board orientation and mentoring opportunities and discussions on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging
  • For more information on the schedule, hotel, and what to expect at the conference, click here

New - Don't miss out! 2024 Chapter L&E Revenue Share program

  • CAMFT is offering chapters a revenue-share option with the 2024 L&E webinars
  • Chapters have to opt-in to receive the revenue share and comply with a few criteria
  • Benefits: 
  • A new revenue model to support Chapters (increase income)  
  • Lighten volunteer workload
  • Streamline chapter volunteer time and resources
  • Increase Chapter membership recruitment opportunities 
  • Provide more opportunities for CEs for CAMFT members ​
  • Want to know more? Have any additional questions?
    • Please view the recording of the information sessions held in December 2023, as well as the PowerPoint slides and Q&A Handout here
    • If you have any additional questions, contact
  • The Opt-in Agreement is available here

Chapter E-news Calendar


Chapter Leaders

Presidents (incl. –Elect, Vice-, and Past-)

Tip: 3 Key Strategies to Leading Your Team the Right Way

  • Leaders will never get their team to level up if they are doing the work for them
  • Don't get caught up in perfection
  • Don't let operational issues take up all your time
  • Trust your team to do the work you hired them to do
  • Read more in the Playbook/Section IV (b)

Invitation: Encourage your 2024 Board to attend the Chapter Leadership Conference (CLC)

  • We highly recommend that seasoned and new board members attend the Chapter Leadership Conference, on Feb 2-3 at the Gateway Sheraton Los Angeles Airport

  • It is free to attend

  • More information is available in the “For All Positions” tab on the navigation bar to the left
  • For testimonials from this year’s attendees, the schedule, speaker list, and how to register, click here and scroll to the bottom

Plan ahead: Annual Reports are due by March 31, 2024

  • Click here for more information on what is required
  • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to  


Tip: Checklist of Chapter Financial Deadlines

  • Chapters need to provide documentation to either CAMFT, the IRS, or their Insurance Carrier. Refer to the table below for IRS and Insurance deadlines. Sections mentioned below, refer to the sections in the Chapter Playbook All-In-One-Resource Guide here.
Item Date Refer to Section
May file with the Registry of Trusts


Retain tax-exempt Status, by filing
Form 990/990-EZ/990-N
15th day of the 5th month after the end
of the Chapter's taxable year.
File Sl-100 Every 2 years File the S1-100 with the
Secretary of State
Renew CGL and D&O
Insurance policies
Audit NOT needed if less than $1m III
Treasurer responsibilities
Accounting Review, performed by independent CPA At least every 2-3 years For Chapters with
May need to file 990T Annually If Chapter is subject to UBIT
(Unrelated Business Income Tax)
May need to file State Tax Returns Annually  
Register with the Attorney
General's office
Annually If Chapters are conducting
raffles, they should be
registered with the
Attorney General's office

Reminder: Annual Reports are due by March 31, 2024

  • Click here for the financial report requirements
  • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to


Events/Education/Programming/ CEPA

Ideas for Speakers: Quarterly Speaker Resource List

  • Staff created a Chapter Speaker Resource List in response to requests from chapters needing speaker references
  • The list is composed of all the chapters’ monthly e-blast submissions since 2019.
  • A quarterly update is provided to the chapter leaders via the Events Listserv
  • CAMFT does not endorse any speakers on the list
  • The lists will be distributed in the first week of January, April, July, and October
  • If you need to be added to the Events Listserv, contact

Invitation: How to opt into the Chapter L&E Webinar Revenue Share Program

  • CAMFT is offering chapters a 60% revenue-share option with the 2024 CAMFT L&E webinars
  • Chapters have to opt-in to receive the revenue share and comply with a few criteria
  • Read more in the “For All Positions” tab on the navigation bar to the left

2024 Presentations to sign your Chapter up for: CE Presentations offered to Chapters at no cost

  • State of the Profession
    • Chapters may sign up for either the webinar OR an in-person presentation
    • The 1 CE-webinar is scheduled for October 16 at 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (90 minutes)
    • Chapters may request in-person presentations throughout 2024
    • Sign up here
  • Road to Licensure Webinars
    • The RTL webinars are scheduled for April 12 & October 18, 2024
    • At 9:00 am – Noon (3 CEs)
    • Chapters may sign up for BOTH webinars
    • Sign up here
  • Law & Ethics in-person presentations
    • CAMFT will be offering a few in-person L&E presentations
    • Please review Chapter Requirements to confirm whether your chapter is eligible
    • Signup: First-come, first-served to eligible chapters
    • Sign up here

Reminder: Annual Reports are due by March 31, 2024

  • Click here for the events report requirements

Membership & Marketing/Sponshorships

Tip: The Power of Personalization in Onboarding New Members

Reach Members and non-members of your Chapter: Add/Drop Reports

  • CAMFT provides chapters with quarterly reports of dropped and current CAMFT members in their catchment area. Full contact information is provided. Chapters are encouraged to utilize these reports in their membership recruitment and marketing effort.  Please note: these lists are not for personal use
  • Chapters will receive the reports in February, May, August, and November
  • Confirm list recipients with

BONUS: Do you need another incentive to entice non-members to join your chapter?

  • Here is how: When you market the CAMFT L&E Webinars to the members and non-members in your catchment area (contact information provided in the Reports mentioned above), you can mention that as a chapter member, they will receive a $5 discount for every CAMFT L&E webinar they sign up for
  • In order for the discount to be deducted automatically, we will need the chapters to provide monthly with a member roster, so we can keep our database updated

Reminder: Annual Reports are due by March 31, 2024

  • Click here for the Membership roster report requirements
  • If you have any questions, please reach out to


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Tip: This DEI Article Is Brought to You by The Letter "B"

  • The very name, DEI, is evolving
  • Adjust the name to include "B" for belonging
  • Read more in the Playbook/Section VIII

Invitation: DEI session at the Chapter Leadership Conference

  • ·Join your peers to share and learn from each other about programs and policies that encourage representation and participation of your diverse chapter membership
  • ·Conference attendance is free to Chapter Board members and Committee Chairs
  • For the schedule, speaker list, and how to register, click here

 Plan ahead: Annual Reports are due by March 31, 2024

  • Click here for the DEI report requirements
  • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to


Chapter Leaders

Pre-Licensed/3000 Club

Tip: Don’t miss signing up your Chapter for the 2024 Road to Licensure Webinars

  • The RTL webinars are scheduled for April 12 & October 18, 2024
  • At 9:00 am – Noon (3 CEs)
  • Chapters may sign up for BOTH webinars
  • Sign up here

Plan ahead: Annual Reports are due by March 31, 2024

  • Click here for the Pre-Licensed report requirements
  • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to
Chapter Leaders

Technology/Website/Social Media

Tip: The Rebranding Journey: Honoring the Past While Looking to the Future

  • Don’t forget the past – Acknowledging the association’s history preserves its identity and values and shows respect for its legacy during the rebranding.
  • Engage leadership and the Board – Involving top-level executives and the Board of Directors supports alignment, commitment, and strategic direction for the rebranding effort.
  • Utilize an external agency – Collaborating with an external agency brings fresh perspectives, creative expertise, and a systematic approach to rebranding.
  • Do your research – Thorough research helps in understanding market trends, stakeholder perceptions, and the competitive landscape, guiding informed rebranding decisions.
  • Communication is key – Effective communication throughout the rebranding process fosters transparency, manages stakeholder expectations, and builds support for the changes.
  • Engage your staff – Involving employees fosters buy-in, enthusiasm, and a sense of ownership, crucial for successful implementation and integration of the rebranding.
  • Read more in the Playbook/Section VI (e)