Chapter Leader E-Newsletter March 2024


Chapter E-News;letter March 2024


Annual ReportDear Chapter Leaders,

With Spring around the corner, we hope your year is off to a good start.

March Highlights:

  • All the handouts, including the “Speed-Sharing” session notes from the Chapter Leadership Conference are posted, so do visit the CLC website here for updated information.
  • The Annual Reports are due no later than March 31, 2024. Thank you to the chapters who have already provided some of their reports. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
  • The Chapter Leader Forums are scheduled for May 23, July 16, September 23, and November 18. Refer to ALL POSITIONS for times and login links.
  • The deadline to volunteer to join a CAMFT committee is April 15. Refer to ALL POSITIONS for more information.

Michele ChampionIf you have any questions, need more information, or have content suggestions, please reach out to the Chapter Relations Manager, Michele, at






  • For All Positions
  • Chapter Calendar
  • Presidents
  • Treasurers/CFOs/BookKeepers
  • Events/Education
  • CEPA/
  • Membership/
  • Diversity, Equity,
    and Inclusion
  • Pre-Licensed/
    3000 Club
  • Technology/
    Social Media
  • Archived

For All Positions

Tip: Are you looking for a way to build a social network of colleagues?

Stay in touch after the Chapter Leadership Conference: Chapter Leader Forums

  • What better way to stay in touch with leaders from other chapters than meeting with them virtually throughout the year?
  • We have created a safe space for you to share what works well for your chapter and to ask for/share advice and resources
  • Depending on the number of attendees and the needs of the attendees, we might divide into smaller breakout rooms
  • The Chapter Relations Manager will be in attendance. Additional CAMFT staff members from the finance and CEPA departments may be available as well upon request
  • Thank you for your feedback on potential dates and times
  • Who may attend? All Chapter Board members and Committee Chairs are welcome to attend the forums.
  • Meeting Schedule & Login /RSVP Links

Thursday, May 23 @ Noon – 1:00 pm

Tuesday, July 16 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Friday, September 13 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Monday, November 18 @ 9:00 am – 10:00am

Chapter mentorship: Chapter leaders serving as mentors

  • Chapter leaders: Some of our chapters are in need of assistance from their peers. If you are willing to be a mentor /provide assistance to leaders from other chapters, let me know at which positions you are willing to assist with
  • Chapters: If you are in need of a mentor, let me know at
  • CAMFT staff: Please note that the mentors do not replace the assistance already provided to chapters by CAMFT Staff

Chapter E-news Calendar


Chapter Leaders

Presidents (incl. –Elect, Vice-, and Past-)

Tip: What Transparency Means Now for Leaders

Final call: Annual Reports are due by March 31, 2024

  • To remain in compliance, Chapters need to provide an annual report to CAMFT
  • Click here for more information on what is required
  • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to


Final call: Annual Reports are due by March 31, 2024

  • To remain in compliance, Chapters need to provide an annual report to CAMFT
  • Click here for the financial report requirements
  • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to

Tip: Summary of differences between 501(c) (3) and 501 (c) (6) tax exemption


  501 (c) (3) 501 (c) (6)
Primary Purpose

Improving or developing others-capabilities through the Camp Experience

(Focus on others)

Promote and improve the conditions of the Camp business or Camp industry

(Focus on self)

Charitable Yes, ACA can receive charitable contributions No
Limits on Lobbying Expenditures

Yes – the limit is determined by using a sliding scale percentage of the organization’s exempt purpose

ACA’s fiscal 2005 limit was $490K

Grassroots limit was $122K
Political Campaign Restrictions Yes – Charitable organizations cannot participate in a political campaigning No
Income – Support Restrictions

More than 33 1/3% support from contributions, membership support, and activities related to its charitable function. ACA’s fiscal 2005 was 94%

No more than 33 1/3% from investment income and unrelated business taxable income. ACA’s fiscal 2005 was 3%
Meaningful support in the form of members’ dues and revenue from related activities and cannot (to be tax-exempt) receive its principal support from unrelated business activities.
Subject to Unrelated Business Tax Yes Yes


Tip: Satisfaction Surveys Can Improve Your Member Volunteer Experience

Final call: Annual Reports are due by March 31, 2024

  • To remain in compliance, Chapters need to provide an annual report to CAMFT
  • Click here for the events report requirements

2024 Presentations: Sign up your chapter, at no cost to your chapter

  • State of the Profession (SOP) presentations and webinar
    • Chapters may sign up for either an in-person presentation OR the webinar
    • Chapters may request in-person presentations throughout 2024
    • The 1 CE-webinar is scheduled for October 16 at 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (90 minutes)
    • Sign up here
  • Road to Licensure (RTL) Webinars
    • The RTL webinars are scheduled for April 12 & October 18, 2024
    • 9:00 am – Noon (3 CEs)
    • Chapters may sign up for BOTH webinars
    • Sign up here
  • Law & Ethics in-person presentations
    • Sign up here
    • Signup: First-come, first-served to eligible chapters
    • Please review Chapter Requirements to confirm whether your chapter is eligible
    • CAMFT will be offering a few in-person L&E presentations

Recap: 2024 Chapter L&E Revenue Share program

  • CAMFT is offering chapters a 60% revenue-share option with the 2024 CAMFT L&E webinars
  • Chapters have to opt-in to receive the revenue share and comply with a few criteria
  • View the recording of the information sessions held in December 2023, as well as the PowerPoint slides and Q&A Handout available here
  • The Opt-in Agreement is available here
  • Have more questions? Contact


Tip: CEs or no CEs?

What to do with attendees who are clearly not present during a zoom CE presentation?

  • Attendee should only receive CEs for the time that they attended the workshop
  • If there is proof ( i.e. they are not responding to poll questions, chats, or direct messaging, etc.)  it  is reasonable to give the attendee a portion of the CEs and hopefully they will be more mindful about participating
  • However, refer to your Chapter policy for clarification
  • Be sure to clarify to all attendees in advance what the expectations are for receiving CEs


Tip: Four Tips to Personalize Text Messaging Campaigns

Final call: Annual Reports are due by March 31, 2024

  • To remain in compliance, Chapters need to provide an annual report to CAMFT
  • Click here for the Membership roster report requirements
  • If you have any questions, please reach out to

Resources: Promote your chapter with the CAMFT Chapter promo videos

Reminder: Membership rosters due to CAMFT monthly

  • If your chapter opted into the L&E Revenue Share program, you need to provide us with a member roster every month
  • Email rosters to

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Tip: The Case for Board Diversity

Final call: Annual Reports are due by March 31, 2024

  • To remain in compliance, Chapters need to provide an annual report to CAMFT
  • Click here for the DEI report requirements
  • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to
Chapter Leaders

Pre-Licensed/3000 Club

Tip: Social Media Savvy: How to Utilize Social Media as a Pre-Licensed MFT.

Don’t miss out: The Pre-Licensed Newsletter

  • The newsletter is posted here on our website, behind the member portal
  • Please share with your Pre-Licensed members

Final call: Annual Reports are due by March 31, 2024

  • To remain in compliance, Chapters need to provide an annual report to CAMFT
  • Click here for the Pre-Licensed report requirements
  • If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to
Chapter Leaders

Technology/Website/Social Media

 Tip: 5 tips to enhance your social media presence