Chapter Leader E-Newsletter May 2024

May 2024 CAMFT E-News

San Diego North County Chapter

Dear Chapter Leaders,

The month of May is…

  • "Better Sleep Month” and “Mental Health Awareness Month"
  • "(May is) the month of expectation, the month of wishes, the month of hope” – Emily Bronte
  • (May 12) Mother’s Day

We hope you enjoyed “Volunteer Appreciation” week last month and once again, thank you for all you do for our Chapters!

Happy Mothers Day!

May Highlights:

  • Chapter Spotlight of the month
  • Chapter Leader Forum May 23 at Noon
  • Chapter calendar (incl. upcoming deadlines, logins, and reminders)
  • Newsletter now available on the Chapter Leader Resource Page
  • The Road to Licensure presentation is eligible towards Law & Ethics CE credit
  • Automatic CAMFT PAC contributions
  • Medicare eligibility opt-in/out

Michele ChampionIf you have any questions, need more information, or have content suggestions, please reach out to the Chapter Relations Manager, Michele, at






  • For All Positions
  • Chapter Calendar
  • Presidents
  • Treasurers/CFOs/Bookkeepers,
    Secretaries/Chapter Admin
  • CEPA/Education/Events
  • CEPA
  • Membership/Marketing
  • Diversity, Equity,
    and Inclusion
  • Pre-Licensed/
    3000 Club
  • Technology/
    Social Media
  • Archived

For All Positions

Chapter Spotlight: San Diego North County Chapter receives financial contribution towards first-ever Pre-Licensed Scholarship

San Diego North County ChapterOn April 6, 2024, the SDNC-CAMFT chapter had the pleasure of volunteering to work at a water station for one of their community's biggest annual events, the Carlsbad 5000 - a 5k race touted as "the world's fastest 5k"! It was so great to support their local community members as they hit the pavement on what turned out to be an absolutely perfect Sunday afternoon. Their chapter members and other local volunteers handed out water to thousands of runners while they danced and cheered them on. They all had a great time. In gratitude for their volunteering, the race owners have generously made a financial contribution to their chapter which they have voted to use to create their chapter's first scholarship for Pre-Licensed members. They look forward to finding more ways to interact and invest in their local community!

Send your event photos and write-ups (can be a few sentences to a paragraph) to We are planning to also share it with our CAMFT members in the member e-newsletter and The Therapist magazine.

Invitation: Chapter Leader Forums

  • Meeting Schedule & Login /RSVP Links

Thursday, May 23 @ Noon – 1:00 pm

Tuesday, July 16 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Friday, September 13 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Monday, November 18 @ 9:00 am – 10:00am

  • What better way to stay in touch with leaders from other chapters than meeting with them virtually throughout the year?
  • Who may attend? All Chapter Board members and Committee Chairs are welcome to attend the forums.
  • We have created a safe space for you to share what works well for your chapter and to ask for/share advice and resources

Tip: Have you addressed your Medicare eligibility? Have all of the facts before Opting Out

  • As of January 1, 2024, LMFTs and MHCs (AKA LPCCs) are eligible Medicare providers. 
  • If you are licensed, you must act to ensure you have addressed Medicare as it relates to your patient, employment, and contract relationships. If you plan to opt out, CAMFT strongly recommends that you first consider how opting out might impact those relationships and any future job opportunities.
  • Here are some facts about opting out:
  • If you opt out of Medicare, you will be opted out of the Medicare system for all purposes and all settings (i.e. a provider cannot opt out of seeing Medicare patients in their private practice setting and still work as a Medicare provider who bills the Medicare system for services rendered for the hospital they work for part-time.) 
  • Once you opt out, you only have 90 days for the date of submitting an initial opt-out affidavit to change your mind and contact your Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) to terminate your opt out status.
  • The opt out period lasts for two years.

Notification: PAC initiative: automatic donation when paying dues – you can opt out

  • CAMFT is excited to share with you that as of May 31, we will be rolling out our new PAC initiative.
  • To align with similar associations procedures in California, this consists of automatically including a voluntary $4.00 state PAC donation to your annual membership when paying your dues.
  • As we value transparency and respect your individual preferences regarding where your finances are allocated, you will have the opportunity to opt out of this PAC donation when you renew your dues, or choose a higher donation amount if you want to further support CAMFT PAC (the average donation is approximately $25)
  • Your involvement is critical to the success of our association’s advocacy efforts and any donations you may be able to make will be greatly appreciated for the success of our advocacy program.
  • To learn more about the CAMFT PAC and to see our FAQ please click here. If you haven’t donated before and would like to, please click here. 

Chapter E-news Calendar


Chapter Leaders

Presidents (incl. –Elect, Vice-, and Past-)

Tip: Scholarships Can Strengthen the Path to Membership

Quarterly: Add/Drop Membership Reports

  • The reports were emailed to chapters on May 13, 2024
  • If you have not received the reports, or need to be added to the recipient list, please contact
  • The information contained in the reports is CONFIDENTIAL, but chapters have permission to use the information in their membership recruitment and retention efforts
  • To verify whether your chapter member is a member of CAMFT, log in to / My Dashboard. On the left navigation bar, scroll all the way down to “Membership Directory”

Bring your Questions: Plan to join us for the virtual get-togethers with your peers

  • The Chapter Leader Forums are open to all Chapter Board members and Committee Chairs
  • Meeting Schedule & Login /RSVP Links

Thursday, May 23 @ Noon – 1:00 pm

Tuesday, July 16 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Friday, September 13 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Monday, November 18 @ 9:00 am – 10:00am

Secretaries/Chapter Admin

Tip: How to read non-profit financial documents

  • All you need to know about Statement of Activities, Expenses, Revenue, Net assets, Liabilities you can read about in a few minutes in the Playbook/Section V(a)

Bring your Questions: Plan to join us for the virtual get-togethers with your peers

  • The Chapter Leader Forums are open to all Chapter Board members and Committee Chairs
  • Meeting Schedule & Login /RSVP Links

Thursday, May 23 @ Noon – 1:00 pm

Tuesday, July 16 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Friday, September 13 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Monday, November 18 @ 9:00 am – 10:00am


Tip: How to Use In-Person Events to Foster Diversity & Inclusion

  • Read more in the Playbook here

CE Presentations for your members: Sign up your chapter. No cost to your chapter. You keep the registration fees

  • 1 CE: State of the Profession (SOP) presentations and webinar
    • Chapters may sign up for either an in-person presentation OR the webinar
    • The 1 CE-webinar is scheduled for October 16 at 11:00 am – 12:30 pm (90 minutes)
    • Sign up here for the webinar or to request an in-person presentation
  • 3 Law and Ethics CEs: Road to Licensure (RTL) Webinars
    • The RTL can be taken to satisfy L&E CEs.
    • Those who need CEs are:
      • Associate MFT : Master’s program complete, has Associate #, Gaining Hours
      • Licensing Exams PASSED (Law and Ethics Exam must be taken within first year of Associate, Clinical Exam is taken after BBS approves all Associate hours)
      • Licensed MFT
    • Those who can count CEs toward licensure if supervisor approves the training:
      • MFT Trainee in Practicum: Second year graduate program)
      • Associate MFT : Master’s program complete, has Associate #, Gaining Hours
      • Licensing Exams PASSED (Law and Ethics Exam must be taken within first year of Associate, Clinical Exam is taken after BBS approves all Associate hours)
    • The remaining RTL webinar is scheduled for October 18, 2024
    • 9:00 am – Noon (3 CEs)
    • Sign up here
  • Law & Ethics in-person presentations
    • All the spots have been filled for 2024.

Bring your Questions: Plan to join us for the virtual get-togethers with your peers



Tip: May presenters receive CEs for presenting?

  • Per the BBS: Presenters can receive CEs for the workshops they facilitate but only one time during their licensing renewal. To go into a bit more detail, if they offer the same course 20 times, they can still only receive credit once. If they offer several different courses, they are able to receive CE credit but only up to 18 hours during their licensing renewal.
  • Per the BBS: § 1887.3. Continuing Education Course Requirements and Credit for Specified Activities
    (e) If a licensee teaches a course provided by a board-accepted provider, the licensee may claim credit for the course, receiving the same amount of hours of continuing education credit as a licensee who attended the course. The licensee may only claim the course one time during a single renewal period. A maximum of 18 hours of continuing education may be met by teaching courses during a single renewal period.

Bring your Questions: Plan to join us for the virtual get-togethers with your peers



Tip: Do you want to know what other chapters are doing to recruit members?

  • Click here to see what the chapter leaders shared with each other during the “Speed-Sharing” session of the 2024 Chapter Leadership Conference

Reminder: Chapter members need to be a CAMFT member first

  • Yes, before anyone can join a chapter, they need to be a CAMFT member first
  • Click here for the list of CAMFT membership categories and for a link to join CAMFT

Quarterly: Add/Drop Membership Reports

  • The reports were emailed to chapters on May 13, 2024
  • If you have not received the reports, or need to be added to the recipient list, please contact
  • The information contained in the reports is CONFIDENTIAL, but chapters have permission to use the information in their membership recruitment and retention efforts
  • To verify whether your chapter member is a member of CAMFT, log in to / My Dashboard. On the left navigation bar, scroll all the way down to “Membership Directory”

Bring your Questions: Plan to join us for the virtual get-togethers with your peers

  • The Chapter Leader Forums are open to all Chapter Board members and Committee Chairs
  • Meeting Schedule & Login /RSVP Links

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Tip: How to engage your members in your Chapter’s DEI effort

  • Offer member training on diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Engage members in DEI outreach efforts
  • Gather and measure demographic information; regularly assess results and progress. Explain why you are collecting demographic information
  • Gather pronouns and prefix/titles in the database and encourage board members and members to share their pronouns as a part of regular communication
  • Reflect diversity in membership materials
  • Make sure the member portal is accessible

Bring your Questions: Plan to join us for the virtual get-togethers with your peers

  • The Chapter Leader Forums are open to all Chapter Board members and Committee Chairs
  • Meeting Schedule & Login /RSVP Links

Pre-Licensed/3000 Club

Must-read: Pre-Licensed Spring Newsletter

Bring your Questions: Plan to join us for the virtual get-togethers with your peers

  • The Chapter Leader Forums are open to all Chapter Board members and Committee Chairs
  • Meeting Schedule & Login /RSVP Links
Chapter Leaders

Technology/Website/Social Media

Ask: Chapter photos needed

  • We are looking for photos of chapter events/retreats/get-togethers to use in our newsletters when we promote our chapters and their events to our membership
  • Email to Michele at
  • Please have permission to post, from those photographed

Bring your Questions: Plan to join us for the virtual get-togethers with your peers