Chapter Leader E-Newsletter July 2024

July 2024 Chapter E-Newsletter

Dear Chapter Leaders,It's Summertime

We hope you are having an unforgettable summer! The July edition is always a shortened version, since most of you are on vacation and taking a well-deserved break. Do take a moment to view the “For ALL,” “Chapter Calendar,” and the individual position postings, for a few updates and reminders.

July Highlights:

  • Urgent: Bylaws Survey – please complete and share with your members by July 19
  • HR 8165: A bill that would put more MFTs into the Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Celebrating ALL Chapters at CLC 2025
  • Chapter calendar (incl. upcoming deadlines, logins, and reminders) 
  • Archived Newsletters available on the Chapter Leader Resource Page

Michele ChampionIf you have any questions, need more information, or have content suggestions, please reach out to the Chapter Relations Manager, Michele, at






  • For All Positions
  • Chapter Calendar
  • Presidents
  • Treasurers/CFOs/Bookkeepers
  • CEPA/Education/Events
  • Membership and Marketing
  • Diversity, Equity,
    and Inclusion
  • Pre-Licensed/
    3000 Club
  • Technology/
    Social Media
  • Archived

For All Positions

Celebrating our Chapters: At the Chapter Leadership Conference Feb 7-8, 2025

  • We will be recognizing and celebrating all our Chapters, rather than only the winners of specific categories
  • Chapter leaders will have the opportunity to share their successes, struggles, anything really! via answering a few questions, instead of submitting lengthy nomination packets
  • Time commitment = Minimal 
  • Updated information will be posted on the CLC webpage
  • Submission deadline = October 31, 2024
  • There will be no change to the Outstanding Chapter Leader Awards portion of the conference
    • To nominate your Outstanding Chapter Leader, click here
    • Submission deadline = October 31, 2024

CAMFT Resource: Speaker Resource List

  • Staff created a Chapter Speaker Resource List in response to requests from chapters needing speaker references
  • The list is composed of all the chapters’ monthly e-blast submissions since 2019
  • CAMFT does not endorse any speakers on the list
  • The list was posted on the Events Listserv on July 1, 2024
  • If you would like to be added to the Events Listserv, or need a copy, contact

URGENT: Please share with your members

  • The CAMFT Bylaws Committee is hard at work updating our bylaws, and we need YOUR input to shape the future!
  • Deadline: July 19, 2024
  • Share your thoughts on key issues like pre-license voting rights, dual licensures and board leadership, agency membership, and more.
  • Your voice matters, so take a moment to fill out this quick survey and make a difference! 

Legislative Update: Rep. Julia Brownly dropped HR 8165, a bill that would put more MFTs into the Department of Veterans Affairs.

  • To learn more, please view the official press release from May 6 here
  • We urge YOU to reach out to your elected officials and ask them to co-sponsor this important piece of legislation for both MFTs and our veterans
  • The VA Marriage and Family Therapist Equity Act, will reduce barriers and ensure qualified LMFTs have the opportunity to provide therapy services to our nation’s veterans through removing unnecessary hurdles and easing a pathway to supervision within the VA
  • Click here to ask your elected official to help move this bill through Congress


Chapter E-news Calendar


Chapter Leaders

Presidents (incl. –Elect, Vice-, and Past-)

Invitation: Chapter Leader Forums

Enjoy your summer!

  • As mentioned in the introduction, we do not post a lot of new information in July, so you can have a well-deserved break
  • If you have missed any of the articles, tips, or reminders offered this past year, please do view the archived newsletters, available at the bottom of the navigation bar to the left
  • Looking forward to seeing you back here in August!



Invitation: Chapter Leader Forums

Enjoy your summer!

  • As mentioned in the introduction, we do not post a lot of new information in July, so you can have a well-deserved break
  • If you have missed any of the articles, tips, or reminders offered this past year, please do view the archived newsletters, available at the bottom of the navigation bar to the left
  • Looking forward to seeing you back here in August!



Invitation: Chapter Leader Forums

Enjoy your summer!

  • As mentioned in the introduction, we do not post a lot of new information in July, so you can have a well-deserved break
  • If you have missed any of the articles, tips, or reminders offered this past year, please do view the archived newsletters, available at the bottom of the navigation bar to the left
  • Looking forward to seeing you back here in August!

Membership and Marketing

Invitation: Chapter Leader Forums

Enjoy your summer!

  • As mentioned in the introduction, we do not post a lot of new information in July, so you can have a well-deserved break
  • If you have missed any of the articles, tips, or reminders offered this past year, please do view the archived newsletters, available at the bottom of the navigation bar to the left
  • Looking forward to seeing you back here in August!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Invitation: Chapter Leader Forums

Enjoy your summer!

  • As mentioned in the introduction, we do not post a lot of new information in July, so you can have a well-deserved break
  • If you have missed any of the articles, tips, or reminders offered this past year, please do view the archived newsletters, available at the bottom of the navigation bar to the left
  • Looking forward to seeing you back here in August!

Pre-Licensed/3000 Club

Invitation: Chapter Leader Forums

Enjoy your summer!

  • As mentioned in the introduction, we do not post a lot of new information in July, so you can have a well-deserved break
  • If you have missed any of the articles, tips, or reminders offered this past year, please do view the archived newsletters, available at the bottom of the navigation bar to the left
  • Looking forward to seeing you back here in August
Chapter Leaders

Technology/Website/Social Media

Invitation: Chapter Leader Forums

Enjoy your summer!

  • As mentioned in the introduction, we do not post a lot of new information in July, so you can have a well-deserved break
  • If you have missed any of the articles, tips, or reminders offered this past year, please do view the archived newsletters, available at the bottom of the navigation bar to the left
  • Looking forward to seeing you back here in August!